Group 4
our group task is to collect the book, prepare the bookshelves and lighting. we diveded into parts so it will save a lot of time. im the leader of the team, and i also responsible for the bookshelves.
as the first meeting we were lilttle bit blur because we don't really understand our task is. but after that we confirm to the lecture after that we divide task because we have problem to meet because we're from different classes, and this week we combine our task and prepare for the presentation on friday.
and the first presentation infront the lecturer and other group we were discuss about what kind of lamp we suggest it but turns out our lamp that we suggest is too expensive so we decided to change it to save the budget. the book arrangement we suggest to use alphabeth code, but since the book are not a lot so the solution is to arrange it with color because its easier.
on the first week all BIA and DID students are come together to the first brief to dicuss whats our CSI project, and we all have to make the group to divide the task im in group 4 whos in charge in lighting and book arrangement, our group member is 8 people. after that we try to have meeting appoitment only for our group so we can do our work clearly and since not everyone have a same class so we try to look the perfect timing.
second week, we finally meet together and discussing whatever we have to do, from we known our group incharge in lighting and book arrangement but what we didn’t know is. “are we gonna collect the book?” “are we gonna buy the shelves?” “how many lamp we need?” “what type of lighting we need?” and more many details question like that, so we decided to ask the lecture first about the details later we can divide the task for our member because its hard to work everything together because we have dfferent class scedule.
first time i actually didnt know that im the leader untill the third of week.
when i knew im the leader and we already knew whats the detail we need to work on i tried to divide the task to my member, but thank god the other member of my group already divide the task so i just keep reminding them to work on their task.
since me joyce is incharge about shelves and the senior want us to to show the FLP of the shelves, but since we don’t know the measurement so i discuss with nadhirah our member about the planning, after i discuss with her i did the plan without the persize measuremnt. our group member is looking for the lamp and since im their leader so i just keep reminding her to look another store that is more cheaper bcs lastime they are looking in furniture shop that actually way over our budget.
im asking them to give the RM 100 Money, and our member is 8 so it collect 800 but the 380 we spend it on lamp first the i just pass the balance to jordon. and other thing we suppose to have a meeting but canceled because we have tutorial
starts making the budget since the light and the fan is way more expensive then what we expected. at first we’ve been told that the shelves is not our responsible anymore because there will be a donator that will give us the shelves, but turns out it just 2 shelves that will be give to us so the furniture team ask us about the shelves to look another store that have cheaper shelves other than ikea and obviously good quality. and we start to making the FLP again.
since me and joyce incharge in shelving we actualy first confuse about the FLP bcs w thought we just plan the shelves and we didnt know that the other furniture we’ve got so i contact furniture team to ask what other furniture will be how many and other
every student have to go to site minum once, because i was busy with studio, and i have submission on that week for sem 2 so the diploma and sem 3 students are going to the site to clean the libary
the book have been collected by sem 6 but we need to sort it, our 3 member incharge of that and also the coding we have to put the color coding sticker to all of the books, the 3 member did the filter the books which one is approve and sort it by category.
there a book that need to wrap it out bcs the cover is broken so me and joyce did the wraping 1 whole box, we actually wanted to help the color sticker but we don;t have time so we continue tomorrow
ms norji ask us to have a meeting with her because there are a miss communication, while waiting for ms norji and other member to come me nadhirah and mira stick the sticker coding and stick the tape to half of the books because we scared the sticker will come off, it just to make sure the coding it last.
after meeting ms norji ask me to list everything what we bought
ps : i took this picture
week eleven is the renovation day me and joyce are gonna go there, incharge the books.
on friday we wrapped the boxes of books to bring to the site, since since we don’t have transport so we ask another group to take the book by they car, so we divided the boxes in 3 car.
on site we came early because we went with interior team that need to be there early, and because out part is arrange it the shelves and books. so while we waiting theinterior team to finish out their mural painting we help the furniture team to build up the furnitures (shelves, tables, chair) and actually we nee to keep in eye on the beanbag but the bean bag is not there yet so we just helping the furniture team settle the furniture. and time flies is already 6 but the interior team haven’t finished their mural so me joyce and the other furniture team load the furniture in the library to avoid wasting time.
while we waiting me and joyce unboxing the books and arrage in on the floor later when the shelves is in place we just need to put it in
ps: i took this picture
launching day, me and joyce voleenter coming to the launching and helping the other to touch up everything, last time the books is already arrange but when we get there is messy and dirty so we try to clean and arrange it
on launching time i was in the front of the door to give the guess the schedule paper